How a Pulley Rig Works

A pulley rig is a rig designed to minimise lost fish when fishing over rough ground. The pulley rig comes into play once a fish has been hooked. The weight of the fish puts downwards pressure on the rig during the retrieve which causes the weight to slide upwards and away from the seabed which greatly reduces the chances of becoming snagged while reeling in. This rig also clips the bait down making the rig more streamlined and therefore increasing casting distances. Pulley rigs work best when fishing for large fish (usually cod) at a range where there is a high risk of getting snagged during the long retrieve. The pulley rig may sound complicated but as the animation below shows it is actually a very simple and effective rig.

Pulley Gif

  1. The pulley rig is cast out and settles on the seabed.
  2. A fish takes the bait and is hooked.
  3. As the angler reels in the pulley rig begins to work – the weight of the fish causes the weight to slide upwards, away from snags, as the fish moves downwards.
  4. As the fish is being retrieved the weight is now high in the water and will not become snagged as the fish is reeled in.

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